Some of our projects developed since 2001:
- Housing, Infrastructure, Mining, Cement, Power and Industrial Projects.
- SERVIU. Design of two Community Offices in Puerto Montt (216m2 each). Shed-type structure with cold-formed profiles of thin plate.
- KOSLAN. Anglo American Anti Hammer Portable Station Project, Chile. Structural modification of 40’ container.
- KOSLAN. Nueva Atacama Project. Structural design of anti hammer water elevated tank.
- INEX. Codelco Rajo Inca, Chile. Structural design of elevated agitated tanks and steel platforms.
- KOSLAN. Codelco Andina, Chile. Structural seismic verification of slurry pumps and anchorage design.
- KOSLAN. MAPA Project, Chile. Structural design of hydropneumatic elevated tanks.
- KOSLAN. Mantos Copper - Debottlenecking Project, Chile. Structural seismic verification of process water pumps and anchorage design.
- KOSLAN. Atacama Desalination Plant Project, Chile. Structural design of anti hammer water tanks (elevated vertical tanks and horizontal tanks).
- SINOMA/SAXUM. L'Amali Line 2 - EPC Project, Argentina. Structural design and review of Cement Proportion Station.
- CIVIL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF CHILE (AICE). Volunteer inspection of several buildings due to Chilean earthquake in 2010 (Mw=8.8). The earthquake triggered a tsunami.
- GDF SUEZ Proyectos Andinos. Monte Redondo Wind Park Project, Chile. Wind turbine seismic analysis (SAP2000 3D model) and foundation design review.
- ABELLÁ CONSULTORES LTDA. D&S Walmart - Hiper Líder Expansion Project, Chile. Review of 3D structural model and analysis of foundations stability.
- ETCHEVERIA IZQUIERDO MONTAJES INDUSTRIALES S.A., Escondida Norte Project, Chile. Lifting system design for the erection of the support structure for the transfer silo in the primary crushing area.
- HRI S.A. Primary and Secondary Agitated Tanks for the Nueva Victoria SX Plant, SQM - Nitrate and Iodine, Chile. Seismic analysis of the primary and secondary agitated tanks (stripping and extraction), and lime storage silo.
- ROAD AND MINING MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS, Chile. Design of pretensioned and postensioned beams for highway bridges and contention walls and steel structures (El Tesoro Mine).
- REALESTATE PROJECTS, Chile. Structural design and construction inspection.
FYU engineering